Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just came back from my trip to Austin. I played mini-golf, went canoeing, visited underground caverns, ate good food and had fun. I also highlighted my hair on impulse, got two ear piercings and a tattoo on my upper back that says "The only easy day was yesterday"
Will take some pictures when I can find a camera.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

here's a picture of my room.
part of my living room. the second shelf from the top on the left is mine.
the one with all the books.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

since qinghui wants to hear about lab coats, i had two accidents in the lab. the first one splashed 240 degrees celcius hot cadmium selenide (that's carcinogenic and seeps through everything cause it's nano-sized), lauric acid, and other random chemicals over the hand part of my coat and on my hand. i got a blister from the burn and now there's a couple of ugly scars on my hand ;(
the second one involved a violent reaction from HCl (that's aqueous) in organic solvents heated to 300 degrees celcius and adding room temperature stuff to it. it caused the thermometer to break and mercury vapor to go everywhere, so i was forced to throw away my lab coat and get a new one. and the pictures... show the new one. haha who's been working harder qh?!?! actually now i'm damn slack cause my 10 week thing ended liao, so taking it slowly.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Those two boxed things with the arrow say that i have a high triglyceride level and low glucose levels. Which means my life ends here. Triglycerides are the thingies in your blood stream before they are stored in your adipose tissues (fats) which effectively means i'm eating too much crap food. I'm going to start cooking. hahaha. hopefully it's not more crappy than what i'm eating now!
My two closest buddies in the lab

This one's bs, i don't use the optical microscope

that's my mentor on the right
quantum yield formula
this one also bs, i don't use this machine hahaha