At Ooi ah g Dr Solilo's lecture today, I coughed so much I went out of class. hehe new excuse to skip class... Just keep coughing and walk out.
Second person said my blog was boring. I was tempted to incacerate her face here for eternity but she said I was pathetic and it wasn't funny at all... So, I guess I shouldn't. Plus she's taking law and might sue me for putting up a disfigured picture. Yeah it isn't funny and my blog sucks. What to do when you have no imagination and all your warped ideas can't be used cause you might get sued... Seriously, it's irritating how you have to watch your words when you write. Hey uni, sorry about the previous blog... Yeah, it's kinda childish. but that's just me. I'd like to remain a child always and then I wouldn't be bothered about this kind of thing... yeah, i wish i could go back.
basket! the first picture taken of me here in college!

Yeah, that's me opening the windows trying to commit suicide cause my blog's too boring.
Actually it was me pasting scotch tape on the windows so the hurricane wouldn't shatter the windows too much. Oh that's my bed on the left...
Second person said my blog was boring. I was tempted to incacerate her face here for eternity but she said I was pathetic and it wasn't funny at all... So, I guess I shouldn't. Plus she's taking law and might sue me for putting up a disfigured picture. Yeah it isn't funny and my blog sucks. What to do when you have no imagination and all your warped ideas can't be used cause you might get sued... Seriously, it's irritating how you have to watch your words when you write. Hey uni, sorry about the previous blog... Yeah, it's kinda childish. but that's just me. I'd like to remain a child always and then I wouldn't be bothered about this kind of thing... yeah, i wish i could go back.
basket! the first picture taken of me here in college!

Yeah, that's me opening the windows trying to commit suicide cause my blog's too boring.
Actually it was me pasting scotch tape on the windows so the hurricane wouldn't shatter the windows too much. Oh that's my bed on the left...