Thursday, May 04, 2006

So I was reading kero and colin's blog.(linked from peiya) It's about this gay couple in Singapore. and I was shocked to see the number of people posting mindless anti-homosexual banter on the blog comments. Some idiot even wrote Hitler killed homosexuals, so they must be wrong. Another wrote God said homosexuality was a sin. More people said that they were just seeking attention.
I just think that these people are saying hurtful things, which these two people who are already facing alot of pressure from family and friends do not need.
So here in America they made us go through diversity training which would never survive in Singapore. I can just imagine talking about diversity back home to 18 year-old kids. They'll just mock it and throw it out of the window. I'm not sure what I would have done at that time. But being placed in a melting pot of culture does make you learn abit about diversity. What the Singapore Government says about Singapore being racially diverse? It's true, but only applicable in Asia. We have three conservative races congregated in one area. Chinese, Malays, Indians, and sporadic one-in-a-million eurasians. Someone please send a representative to Rice University or any other global American university I believe.
Sometimes I really wonder if our conservative society brings about more bad than good. Not that being conservative is bad, but condemning everything else is in my opinion. Okay, I know i'm generalizing, I don't even know where I'm really going with this. It's just that I can name 9 out of 10 parents I know who can't accept homosexuality. I remember using this 西方文化的影响(influence from the western culture) phrase throughout my Chinese schooling career, and it always had a bad connotation to it, like porn, violence, casual sex..etc. All due to the bad influence from the west.
Hmmm ok, no point here. Just that I wish people could accept differences more, not that I can or I'm ultra diverse. I still have some mindsets which I know are wrong. I'm working on them...


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