Did some community service today. I went to help out at a children's museum this afternoon... and i played with some of the kids... the two kids who were most attached to me happened to be twins!
They're called Lauren and Daniel... We were supposed to be stationed at one place and move to different allocated places every hour, but they dragged me away to play with them. It was so much fun. I love kids.
That's not very clear, but they wrote their names for me too. nice~
Of course the highlight of the day was in the 'grocery store'. It's just a place in the museum where the kids can pretend they're in a grocery store buying fake groceries using fake money. Kels spotted a fish that she loved so much. Kel's my fave!
"zhe! I can't take it, I love this fish so much! It reminds me of the fish I flushed down the toilet bowl back when I was a kid..."
Okay... whatever makes you happy... It's okay Kels, we still love you.
And N-Y the clown with XXX inscribed on her forehead. Wonder what she does for a living... hahaha. kidding.

Okay... whatever makes you happy... It's okay Kels, we still love you.

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